Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome to FRANCE.

                          The Land of "Cafe Creme". Yum, yum and more yummies.
And that-that pink thing  in the background - is Keo's very strawberry milk, everything was just so pretty, a real treat,... although I couldn't stop wondering how much sugar was in that milk.Why?How annoying of me to wonder such a thing at such a nice moment. just enjoy the thing already right?) Ok, back to that beautiful Cafe Creme. So dreamy isn't it?
A sight to see no? A nice walk and here we are. Well needed.
               A crepe here, a crepe there, crepe crepe everywhere.

Our arrival in France was interesting to say the least. I guess that is how you have to take it. Everyday is new, everyday is different. Now, we must find a place to live, suitcase living for what?...4 weeks now? is not very fun, --but plenty of other things are! Everyday is getting better and better, slowly, and my body is adjusting, my mind is too. JM is just right at home. It's nice to see him in his own environment.  His English has even gotten a little rusty, rustier!


Unknown said...

Ack, keep speaking English to him or we'll have too many presentations to translate!!!

hechicera said...

Can wait to be there with you, it makes me feel stronger & getting better faster, and I know I will be soon, miss you all and you my angel Gisa.
Love you sweetie,
Your mama.

hechicera said...

What a great picture of JM and the kids with the tower in the background!