Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fast Food , French Roof tops and Miniture Gardens

It's late, we are out, kids are tired and hungry..where do you go to get some good food fast? ...Chez Leon of course, and right next to IKEA! Ah, some good Moules Frites childrens menu and we are good to go. It's set up like...Denny's or....a Panera :) - but... tastes a little better. Talk about good fast food fast!
Discovering our backyard. It's approximately 20m2...Kenji and Keo are already talking about making a vegetable garden. Hm. not sure that we will have enough room, but Keo is getting started anyway. This little "jardin" is surrounded by a rock wall with ivy and plants climbing the walls, it's so cute.I think I can handle this one. But - lawn mowers are not a common tool here, so...clippers will have to do (that is what I was told by our neighbor..:/
French rooftops, another one of my very favorite things about France, that and French windows.
You could plop me down in front of a French Window, hand me a box of popcorn and I would be as happy as a little girl watching Cinderella. Same goes for French rooftops. --You know, now that we are finished house searching I would, really really would go house hunting just for the fun of visiting 5th floor apartments and getting a glimpse of the roof tops out of that gorgeous french window that would be waiting just for me to lean out of. I would, on a free afternoon just do that. What fun, no pressure of making decisions, just me, a french window, a stream of rooftops and a box of popcorn. --Oh, yes, and that ever so patient agency lady tapping her high heel shoes (on that gorgeous wooden floor), but let's forget her and get back to my window watching! (oh not window washing of course)
Life is feeling normal again. We we are enjoying our first weekend of just doing NOTHING.
Tomorrow we go the the local outdoor "Marche" to get a bunch of vegtables, some Veau...which just up until right now thought it meant Lamb...but JM just at this moment told me it means Baby Cow. Um..hmm. might rethink my menu for the week. Cow is fine, but baby cow makes me feel a little strange..I'll stop here. Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you'll have room for tomatoes? You've gotta plant tomatoes, right?