Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mama Lali visits France

Dear Blacksburg. This has been a long road for us. And it continues to be a long road, a road to where? no one knows! But every step here and there in this cute little town is beautiful.
My mom, AKA Mama Lali has come to visit us in France. Today is new day in France. Today my mom is here!. She is and looks very well as you can see!!! :)))\
We spent a few days shopping...
Lots of time eating...
more shopping...
More eating...
Some playing...(She made an Indiana Jones vest for Keo!)
 Some sightseeing...
Some serious picture taking...
And some leg biting.
We had a wonderful time :)


Anonymous said...

Gisa,JM, and kids: Thank you for letting me with you, for allowing me to feel loved, and shared in your life, this was a quality family vacation. I love you.
Mama Lali.

Veronica said...

Mama Lali, you look wonderful among your family. I can't believe how well you look after all you went through. Better than new! You look so happy with Keo and Kenji, happy to be with your daugher Gisa in France, on holiday. Pura vida!
Besos a todos mis queridos. Veronica

Anonymous said...

Que j'ai été heureuse de revoir lali!
Maintenant nous vous attendons tous en Corse pour que vous puissiez voir nos magnifiques plages et profitez à fond de notre sublime paysage et surtout de la chaleur !!!!
bises, vanina