Dear Blacksburg - AMY and LIAM have arrived! They arrived Wednesday morning. Just as I was searching for them on the train platform, there they were! Not a minute too late!
I only have a minute, JM is doing better. His bleeding has stopped for three days now, doctors are maybe, MAYBE letting him come home for Easter weekend!!!! (then back again..) JM is still super tired, still water in lungs but hopefully now that the bleeding has stopped JM will have more energy. His voice sounds stronger and stronger on the phone everyday.
Oh wait till I tell you about Liam and Kenji! and the pictures! And Amy! They are jet lagged but seem to be doing ok too. We are all so happy to see them. What a page turning event! And last night was THE BEST, I came home from work really late and Amy had made the most delicious Lentil Soup and bakes Apples!!!! WHooohooo!!!!!!!! This morning they slept in and we met them for lunch at INSEAD. I gave them a map and they just got on with it. Right now Amy is at home recovering from her long day out walking all over Fontainebleau, Kenji and Liam are somewhere...not sure where in Fontainebleau, they went to see a movie alone and now I am back at work, Keo is in the bath, and I will see them tonight at 9.
Tomorrow is market day for Amy :)
Will post pictures later. we are all very happy to have smiling faces and helping hands around us.
Jm may come home this weekend !!!!!
Today I have been dealing with the insurance
Yay for JM possibly coming home this weekend, that would be amazing for you all! Really pleased yours and Kenji's friend are there to help you and distract you too.
And OMG I cannot imagine your task of dealing with the French Health Insurance for JM. It was hard enough for us getting our Carte Vitale, only taken 9 months+!
Good luck and Happy Easter to you all.
Gisa, nous n'avons pas pu partir en We puisque nous avons été malades.
Si tu as des problèmes avec l'assurance dis moi, c 'était mon premier métier l'Hôpital et j'ai des contacts directs avec l'APHP, je peux tjrs t'aider.
Je croise les doigts pour que Jm puisse rentrer ce WE.
Bises, vanina
Hello to Amy and Lliam!! Usually, it's hello here at the community garden, strange to pass it along from the USA to France!
Gisa, it does sound as if the Rollins family will be turning the page on this chapter. Now, into healing! Yippee!!
JM's truly heroic through all of this! What a guy ...
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