Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jean Marc Up and Around!

Today is Sunday, JM will be out of the hospital for almost 1 week now with no problems. Yes he is on strong antibiotics but is doing really well. He sees the doctor on Tuesday in Paris to talk about his infection and how he is doing. This weekend we slept a lot, got nothing done in the house, Amy is gone and our lives have turned upside down! :) ...we need some order back and with my mood lately I am not helping this situation one bit. So - up, get on with it Gisa and get your head back on again, and stop being in such a lousy mood! I'm having enough of your moodiness, your sulking, your "head in the laundry basket" attitude.You'r not going to continue to spiral downhill are you? or are you?  no you're not, you have a choice so take the good one, the right one, it is a choice after all. choose the right way out of this mess. Stop your bad habits and start some new ones. Maybe some swimming pool time? Maybe a walk in the evenings if you plan in advance? Maybe some early morning time alone? What about a good nights sleep? yes, a good nights sleep might help.Let's start a list, a list of to do's, let's be more efficient at work to get home earlier, let's take some deep breathes and be more mindful when doing whatever it is I am doing...(that seems like too much right now) what about we start with A LIST, A good nights sleep.
I talked to my mom and Allen tonight (my step dad) that helped a lot....kind understanding voices.
I'm proud of my little sister Stephanie! She got her first internship in NYC! Working for Preston Bailey Designs! Has her apartment in New York and starts Tuesday! What a little sister, way to go dolly.
And my brother Michael, news on his end as well, he is going to be a dad! A baby on the way, due in December I think. Hooray! My siblings are growing up and doing so well. Stephanie and I are 16 years apart...I remember the day she was born, I was napping on my bed and then suddenly woke, ran downstairs and got a call from Allen "you have a little sister!" Stephy-doll...growing up, making it in NYC!
And Mike, a dad! Who would have thought...but maybe this is exactly what he needs in his life, something to ground him a little...a lot!
These are good things. good news, makes me think outside of our own situation, makes me lift my head up and look and see and realize that life is happening and that even though we have to deal with this situation right now we have to be sure to look up and about at the world around us to give us some fresh views, some fresh air, to breathes some air into our little bubble right now.

This week will be better.

So today JM made a BBQ in the backyard. He got all his energy and with Kenji, grilled some merguez and chicken kabobs. He went on make a tabouli salad. I went and bought bread at the bakery (this is all I could do today) We sat in our little back yard and had our first summer BBQ. After eating everyone was so tired we all fell asleep.

I know that JM wants to get better fast, and it frustrates him that his body isn't up for all he wants to do....soon though and in time he will be better, feel better, in time.
I'm happy he is home, happy to see him up and about, it's been a rough few months with lot's of uncertainty and it makes me so happy to see JM dressed, and in front of a the good old days, it makes me sad to know how much pain he has been in though, and how he is now so desperately trying to get back up and on with it. ---There were some moments there that were very scary and not so long ago. I can't explain the feeling I get when I see JM home again doing something normal. I can't explain's kinda like I tell myself " ...he's here, he is here and he is fine, look, there he is! it's ok., it was only a nightmare.." that kind of feeling...

I have found some new energy this Sunday evening. Let's hope it lasts me all week long.


Anonymous said...

Gisa, je pense que tu a le contre-coup de tout ce qui vient de se passer. (stress, fatigue, changement de vie, enfants à s'occuper toute seule)
Ma pauvre!
Soigne toi bien (et va voir le médecin)
Bises, je t'appelle dans la semaine

Michelle said...

Great to hear JM did a BBQ, his favourite! I think of him EVERYTIME I see merguez in the supermarket!!

canicho said...

First summer BBQ, Yea that great. It will get better. One day at a time and before you know it things will get back to normal.

Bill Lynch said...

Great to hear things are close to normal. I understand you are working long hours and very busy at IMSAD, and impressing the visitors as well. Take some time to enjoy the summer, maybe when Mom is there to enjoy her grandsons. BIll