Thursday, September 23, 2010

Michigan...and minus some for now

Arriving at my mom's was fun. Weather was still great and we were happy to relax a bit and get our spirits up after our long (sad) trip up from Virginia.

 Kenji - 10 years old, great picture

 A nice view of my mama's house:

A picture of a picture of our wedding day! 
July 17.1999 France

I stumbled upon this old image on while rummaging through my mothers closet. It's an image to that pulled me away from my everyday thoughts while in MI. It inspired me...felt something like a brisk October morning!
I always like coming to my moms house. She always has a perfect closet full of beautiful clothes and bathroom that makes you feel like your in a spa. And goodness- don't we all have Chanel body cream and nail polish, Dolce and Gabana perfume and silver brushes gracing our bathroom sinks these days? (She's had this special brush since I can remember.)

A day at the Cider Mill with Mama Lali (grandma) eating freshly made doughnuts and apple cider!

An evening together,  Mom, Allen, JM, Kenji and Keo

How many Crepes does it take to get to France?


Good Morning Hugs..

Drink this and you will have super powers!

Michael, my brother..loves cars, loves to fix cars and race cars. Just like his dad did.

On our way to the airport. Good bye Michigan, see you in a little while Mama,.. I love you Petunia.


Andrea said...

Ahhhh, Gisa this is what I'm talking about! "A sight to see no? A nice walk and here we are. Well needed." Way to go France!

Love you.

hechicera said...

Ahh, Gisa! what great days (considering...) If it was not for you I would not have any pictures of my own house, you guys always know how to bring life everywhere you go! and you muneca, you are showing signs of and excellent, charming, easy going writer of daily life.

hechicera said...

I love to see that wedding picture on my top of the piano and more so now here!

Loooove you!