Friday, December 10, 2010

Paris in the snow

Buried in snow in Paris!
And it's Friday which means cake making day at Keo's school. Every Friday is cake making day...


ssalzberg said...

seriously?! I want to go to Keo's school. I love your blog, Gisa. Thanks for keeping in touch so well. You are amazing!

Gisa and JM said...

Oh Sarah, you would just in be heaven here with your love for baking! It's all about making cakes. And they are so serious about it. Every week each parent has a different ingredient to bring. Last week we had baking chocolate, this week Smarties. And so the kids have to write the ingredients down on a piece of paper for writing practice, and it cursive :) It's all so sweet. Lot's of kisses and chocolate cake!

Anonymous said...

Morning muneca. I would love a teaching job at Keos's school, what a real way to teach not only accademics but perpetuating the cultute of your country , ah...the French know how not to let go.

Mama Lali.