Sunday, October 17, 2010

france "a la campagne" (french country side)

One of my favorite things to admire while out and about are the beautiful and quaint windowsills of France. The faded shutters,the ornate iron balconies, the tall french windows... just look!
Beauty. Simple beauty. 
 Keo will start French public school soon...all in French, not one word of English!
So far, his French language consists of:
"Je veux" - "I want"
"Bon Bon" - "Candy"
Bon chance Keo!


ssalzberg said...

BEAUTIFUL, Gisa. And how good it is to see sweet Keo. Seriously, you miss this ugly town?! You just need to find an old abandoned villa and we'll all move there and get to work!!

Anonymous said...

Do get a villa! Good luck to Keo at school. They say kids pick up languages much more quickly than adults, but it sounds like it will be tough going for a while.