Friday, November 19, 2010

Paris Weekend Ahead!!!

Dear Blacksburg, this is one of our many windows! Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE french windows? I love them so much it scares me. I stop, look and listen to each and every french window I see in town. Something about them that is just so inviting again.. like the way I feel about the french cursive writing..
We've had our first week full of school, cleaning and furnishing a new house/apt. Exhausted YES! Happy? YES! And somehow a sick-to- my-stomach feeling trying to re-buy everything we basically gave/threw/sold away in you remember? what a waste!(garbage cans, toilet cleaners, supplies, wooden spoons for cooking, dish cloths)...the list goes on...Having an apt. is great, yes, having NOTHING in it is something else. It's when we went 3 days without a stove or fridge and couch and beds that I realized how "NICE" it was to live it Rosas....- oh the "things" you take for granted -...learning a lot here about life and being thankful...
Keo is doing great at his new school. He doesn't understand why he has to go to a French school and Kenji get's to speak English at his, but, that is just the way it is for now. He is too young to attend Kenji's international school, so full days of French it is. Will do him some good! 

So why do I call this a  house/apt?  Because this is a house, but it feels like an apartment. It looks likes it part of a house from the outside. Keo has been extremely helpful in cleaning. JM has been amazingly helpful in finding us furniture for the months ahead, and Kenji has been helpful in just growing up I guess. Do you know what? I opened the clothing boxes that we had sent overseas and you know what? Everything that I had packed for Kenji looked like it would fit Keo!!! What the??? Where and when did my kids grow out of their clothes? Seriously , Kenji's clothes fits Keo and JM's clothes fits Kenji! I'm dumbfounded when I hold up a pair of pants and think to myself " is this what I paid and packed away for Kenji for France in August?" I was hoping all the clothes I packed would last a few months..but not likely, Kenji seems to have gone through a growth spurt that I was unaware of while living in Rosa's house (JM's mom)...In any case, this just means that some shopping is in order. Fun? We will see..
 French clothes is notorious for being, well so french again and $$$! (but still fun!) And my Kenji? Growing up....
This very fun weekend is going to be VERY FUN! Noel and David from Nuvotronics in Blacksburg, JM's work are coming for a couple weeks to visit!!!! They arrive tomorrow morning, stay the weekend in Paris with us then are off for a few days to the south, then back with us in Paris for the weekend before they leave. It makes me SO happy to think I will see familiar and loving faces. And Zoe and Zane are coming too!! Kenji and Keo are so happy!!! They arrive at 10:30 am (4am your time) and then JM and I have a fun packed weekend awaiting them, a full itinerary!: Iffel Tower, Seine boat ride, Bakeries, best restaurants, sightseeing and more more more!!!! This is another turning point in our time here...We need as much good energy coming our way as possible right now.---
JM is tired, beyond tired to be honest :( This has been just too much, all this...All this, as nice as I make it sound, it's hard, it's sad and it's tiring, but I'm trying to make the best for us, for us and for you to see that we are still doing ok. For me to see that I can still see the goodness, that I WON'T let my family down. That I won't let YOU down. If I let go, I lose. I am dragging you through all of this with me - if you like it our not. You are going to be with me this entire way- I can not let go - I won't. - YOU and Me together.

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