Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 11 & 12 - Recovery and Rest

A long week. JM has been doing his best to recover from his 2nd surgery in 10 days. One surgery is enough to knock you down, two is a lot. Like posted earlier, JM had to be brought back down on the "block" Turned out his muscles were pushing out..along with other things. It was urgent and he went down right away. Next day he had a fever and white blood cells were at an extreme high and very dangerous. He was put on antibiotics to fight off the infection. Doctors searched everywhere to see where the infection was coming from. It was determined that infection was coming from the second surgery, a germ entered the body and spread. Doctors attacked the germ and now JM is recovering again. Good news is that infection was not in the lungs or anywhere else. Bad thing is he is now down again big time. (No pictures of JM this week. You'll have to wait till next week to get a look at my handsome frenchmen) 
He came out of his first surgery in great shape. This time around his body has had a lot to take on with general  anesthesia and infection. He is fighting hard to recover well. You never really know why something happened till days later, so at the moment we are still coming around to finding answers. My appointment with the surgeon was cancelled yesterday and postponed till Tuesday of next week. They say only then they will be able to give me a better update on his "Bilans" on how everything is working out, his stability.
Looks like his Liver is working like magic though. All is well. It more has to do with keeping JM germ free and healthy, strong and on a road to recovery. No more infections!!!!
We are trying to keep spirits high but to tell you the truth, it is very difficult sometimes. I'm glad I'm working, I don't have a moment to be bored or think too much. And when home I have the kids so I have to be strong. It's only the drive to the hospital that got me sad, scared, worried. Too much time in traffic doing nothing and you start to think too much. But once I arrived at the hospital it was great to see JM. Yes he is super tired, weak and upset this happened this week...but we have to keep going strong and keep being thankful it was only that and nothing else. So far this is going well. We are hanging tough.
Paul- Brouse hospital has done more than 2500 liver translpants!
Good thing!
Late night picture of the hospital on my way out last night.
Kenji or Keo must have taken this picture today at the park. Pretty picture. Could talk about life with the picture- don't get me started. ---I really like this picture the more I look at it.

Rosa is staying with us for a few days as she would like to be present for us. Sandrine is also here with little cousin Loup (Lou). Kenji is being strong, but I can see he is worried. Doesn't say much but holds my hand very tight at night when I'm putting him to bed. I told him things will be fine, that Papa will come home soon, that I love him, ...that we will go look for the last Harry Potter book together in Paris this weekend...that got his spirits high!
So to end this long and worrisome week, a THUMBS UP. All will be great from here on.

If you would like to send JM and email Please Do:

He will be checking his email shortly!!! Send him a note!


Andrea said...

Hi Gisa - you lady warrior you!

Love your picture with THUMBS UP, I know this will all pass as do all things (good and bad!)

Will send a note to JM momentarily! (We're keeping the candles lit ...)

Take care.

Anonymous said...

heureuse de lire que jm va de mieux en mieux!
Dorénavent, j'espère qu'il ne s'agisse que d'une question dfe temps et de patience!
bises, vanina