Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 26 and 27 - Kenji & Liam in France

How do I share with you the happiness I have felt for the past two days!?
Rewind, rewind, rewind:
First - Amy and Laim arrived well and happy from Blacksburg Virginia. Their arrival was a groundbreaking event. Do you remember that afternoon so so so long ago in the Airport Acres community? That long and hard, heartbreaking day, the day that followed those weeks before, house cleaning, house packing, house selling days. The days that did indeed lead to that glorious morning when all of the sudden everything was done!  The house was so sparkling clean...without your hands, your help, we would have not gotten there. Thank you, again and forever. What a crazy few weeks that was. Oh yes...and without those mojitos...:)
That morning, breakfast in the kitchen, friends around, last minute wiping down "the landlord will be here in 20 min!" And then the final pack up into the car, the goodbyes...the tears, the hugs, the flowers tied to the antennae of the minivan, Petunia all nestled in the back seat, Sashi...sitting happy and clueless, Simbad somewhere in John and \Andreas house, probably on the warm dryer. The final goodbyes.
Up the road and away we went...then, wait! wait...we see Liam. Liam hustling on his bike up the road after our car. "wait! stop the car, it's Liam!!", Kenji jumps out, Liam runs up.....- horrible hard to swallow feeling

That was gut wrenching day. A day where you feel your torn away from a life you were so happy in. A life you had to leave, you had no choice but to leave. A life there that brought so much happiness and tranquility. A life we never expected to find, friends we never expected to find, evenings we never expected to have, sunny days in the garden, wintery days out in the streets. Barefoot days. Barefoot in Blacksburg.
But this week!!!!- This week brings again some of that BlacksburgNESS! And Liam and Kenji are reunited again,,this time, maybe not around sticks, water guns and popsicles, but instead... a nice dinner and CHEESE in FRANCE!
Happy Boys, a bit more grown up..?
There is something very sweet about having Liam wake up in the morning in Kenji's bed.
Breakfast for the boys!
Amy's market shopping day went really well. All by herself and speaking French!
And Keo-"nut". Concentrating on his tennis skills while Kenji skips camp to hang out around town with Liam.
It has been an exciting week so far. I've managed to work late and not worry about the kids. Kenji has a perma smile on his face. Keo is constantly on Liams back - literally, on his back or shoulders.
and the best news of all : JM comes home for EASTER WEEKEND!
Happy Days!

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